Thursday, January 30, 2014

#SmallSuccess: Setbacks and Successes Go Hand in Hand

This week has been a big challenge. I'm not gonna lie.

Monday, I had an allergic reaction to some pan spray I used while baking and spent the morning at the ER and not in class.

I felt really stupid for not thinking to check the label. Seaweed derivatives, it would seem, are everywhere. And they're dangerous to me in a way that is terrifying.

The reaction swelled my throat shut and filled my lungs with fluid within about 20 minutes - as I was driving. Combined with the extreme cold, I have re-injured my voice and damaged the interior surgery site in my throat which meant no school for me yesterday, too.

"Disappointment" does not adequately sum up how I feel about this.

Small Success Thursday
But, setbacks and successes go hand in hand. Because I had to stay indoors to help my throat heal, I have managed to get some significant work done on a couple of big projects.

1. I'm making good progress on my series at The Beautiful Music Challenge on liturgical music for people who aren't liturgical musicians. There's been discussion, which I'm very happy about. And it's been gaining readership, too, which is downright exciting!

2. I updated the website for Fiesta Cinco de Mayo (a fundraiser for the Missionary Servants of the Word Sisters who staff two parishes in our diocese). I am really excited about the updates.

I added a blog to the site so that people could see what the Sisters are doing every couple of weeks throughout the year. These ladies are amazing! Truly! Their work with evangelization is flourishing here, so please keep them in your prayers. And if you've got the inclination, and a few bucks to spare, please consider sponsoring their work.

3. I actually managed to close my computer, turn off my screens and visit with my husband for an hour last night. I tend to get lost in my work and ignore my "real people". This is a small success. Really. An hour out of twenty-four is paltry compared to the gifts that he gives to me. But it is a start.

4. I have five artists cued up for the Catholic Artist Spotlight Feature that begins on February 12th at  I can't wait to share their stories and work with everyone. Now, I just have to make their responses into posts!

The goal for this new feature is to point to the visual and performing artists among us, whether their art is specifically religious or not. Beauty and the power to create are gifts from God and our faith naturally informs how they are expressed in the arts. In exploring the creative process of an artist, we can draw inspiration for our own lives - even if we don't share those particular talents. Plus, we get to meet new artists!

Do you have some small successes?
Maybe you got a little tiny job done that had been put off for larger tasks. Sometimes those are more important than they might seem.  Share them with us! You can share here in the combox or head over to to join in the link-up.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the allergic reaction and your re-injury. Praying for an uncomplicated recovery!

  2. SCARY! Oh my word, you poor dear!
    But - wow - you are right.
    Jesus met you in the difficulties and lead you to do great things. WOOHOO
