Thursday, January 9, 2014

#SmallSuccess Thursday: Wrapping Things Up


This week I have been wrapping things up in preparation for my surgery tomorrow. As always, I am disappointed that I didn't get more done. It just seems like there's so much left unfinished. 

I know there is no perfect finish to anything that we can do as humans. In order to achieve the perfect, we must be completely united with God. And, of course, that only happens in Heaven.

So, again, this week, I'm going to be happy with my small steps. They aren't big ones, but they do add up to a lot of work!

1. Remembered to offer prayers every morning and every afternoon this week. 
2. Got to daily Mass twice this week
3. Asked for and received Anointing of the Sick. This is big because I am so shy about asking for things.
4. Helped my daughter manage a fussy, teething baby boy (who now has SIX teeth).

5. Shared a great book with my friends and my daughter (The Screwtape Letters).
6. Helped my son get shoes.
7. Completed not one, but two posts for, putting myself one month ahead.
8. With this post, I posted twice to this blog this week.
9. Got a start on reconfiguring my other blog to reflect the changes to mission.
10. Lost 20 pounds (okay...this took a while - since Thanksgiving. But still!!)

Even though I'm not happy about the things I had to let slide off my plate, looking back at the things I did get done I'm pretty happy with them. I did the things I needed to do most. I needed to turn over a new leaf with my spiritual life. I needed to spend some good time with my kids. I needed to cuddle with my grandson. 

So, what are your small successes this week?  Feel free to share them in the combox or add it to the link-up.

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