Wednesday, January 8, 2014

#FiveFavorites: Five Great Posts from this Past Week

After a little hiatus for the Christmas Season, I'm back at it and sharing my Five Favorites along with Hallie Lord and the other linky friends over at Moxie Wife. Pop over and see what they have in their posts, and maybe share some of your own favorites!

I've been reading a lot of Catholic stuff this week, I guess. I hadn't realized how much stuff until I started sifting through to find my five favorites and every one of them was from a Catholic blogger.

So, this week I have five Catholic writers sharing the fruits of their contemplation. Take a little time and see what they have to offer your spiritual life this week!

Third Millennium Wise Men: Orienting the Periphery Toward the "Centre"

At (which recently got a facelift,) Patricia Jannuzzi (via Kelly Wahlquist) has a post that parallels the lives and work of our three most recent popes with the gifts of the magi. It's an inspiring read and well worth the time if only to see these pictures:

Screen Shot 2014-01-05 at 2.24.42 PM.png
The Oma in me wants to pick them all up and hug them.
Study: The Second Pillar

Will Duquette is writing a series on Dominican Spirituality over at, too. (Lots going on over there). I started a month late (of course). But, if you click through to this post, you can get back to the first in his series (Prayer). Will is a Lay Dominican and is covering the four pillars of the Dominican life: Prayer, Study, Preaching and Community. This particular installment on Study struck me as I am studying at Ohio Dominican University where I see a mural with this admonishment everyday:

Contemplate, and then share the fruits of your contemplation.

That's a pretty good motto for a college student, don't you think?

23? Not Too Young To Marry

Domenico Bettinelli writes a reply to "23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You're 23" (I'm not linking it. Really, don't waste too much time on will annoy you) and knocks it out of the park. Domenico takes on the idea of "excitement" and turns it on its ear. Those who marry early are in for a wild ride, but it is really worth it to stick it out! You don't jump off a roller coaster in the middle of the ride, now do you?

23 is Young??  Look at those babies! He's 21 and I am 22.

Depression: You Know Me

I have been fairly open about my mental illness for years, but this post was brutally honest in a way that I could never be with anyone, save my husband and my confessor. If you have a friend or relative that suffers from depression or another form of metal illness, give Mike Eisenbath's post at Catholic Lane a read. You might be surprised by what you don't know.

What Catholic Tradition Means to A Protestant

Emily Stimpson ("These Lovely Bones: An Everyday Guide to the Theology of the Body") is writing over at Catholic Vote about the state of the Church and all the in-fighting, back-biting and general family squabbling she's been seeing on social media recently. And to show us what we look like to the outside world, she calls Paul Harvey as a witness. Aired on his show in the early Sixties, during the Second Vatican Council, Harvey's remarks are as piercing today as they were 50 years ago. Let's remember who we are, eh?

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